Multilingual Translation

Offering specialized translation assistance across various niches, available in four languages for your convenience.

Bureaucracy Navigation

Guiding you through German bureaucracy for easy access to state services and benefits.

Medical Coordination and Accompaniment

Not only coordinating medical visits but also providing personal accompaniment to healthcare facilities.

Educational Guidance

Advising on the best educational institutions and financial support options.

Integration Support

Assisting with your entry into the German job market and cultural integration.

Comprehensive Housing Assistance

Assisting with the search, application process, and document preparation for housing opportunities, including social housing.


Our heartfelt mission is to ease your integration into German life. We simplify the intricacies of bureaucracy, ensuring you can readily access government services and benefits. Our guidance extends beyond paperwork; we’re here to assist in educational decisions, financial aid opportunities, and to provide critical support in navigating the healthcare system, including arranging and accompanying visits to medical facilities. We are dedicated to making your transition into the German job market and society a seamless experience, embracing every aspect of your new journey with care and expertise.

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.